2 x 5 V servo port connected to the Arduino's high-resolution, high-precision timer - no jitter; Up to four bidirectional DC motors and 4-channel PWM speed (resolution of about 0.5%); Up to 2 stepper, single or two-step, staggered or micro-step controls and angle of rotation control; 4-channel H-bridge: L293D chip for each road and bridge to provide a current of .0.6 A (1.2A peak) and with protection against thermal overheating from 4.5V to 36V; Resistance lowered to ensure that the engine remains stopped; The terminal terminals facilitate wiring (10 - 22 AWG) and supply; With the Arduino reset button; 2 terminals external power supply terminal to ensure the separation of logic and driving power; Compatible with Mega, Diecimila and Duemilanove; Download the easy-to-use Arduino software library, fast project development

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  • SKU: DGK4005
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